M&S Biotics

The Operating Room of the Future Starts Here

Not a moment wasted

OR Solution

IoT solution to automate most of the surgical count and provide instrument utilization data to optimize surgical sets,

SPD Solution

IoT solution to ensure surgical set accuracy, instrument recovery, reduce shrinkage, and track sterilization cycles.

Intraoperative Intervention

Never before seen data captured by out system to aid in clinical decision support

M&S Biotics

M&S Biotics is an IoT-based healthcare company focused on revolutionizing the operating room while improving a surgical procedure’s efficiency, efficacy, and safety by introducing our OR Solution.

The technology can autonomously detect, track, count, and locate surgical items in real-time minimizing the time it takes to conduct surgical counts.

The first company to provide breakthrough intraoperative analytics through our Intraoperative Intervention ® platform

A user friendly interface that displays real-time information collected from our OR solution.

Stay connected M&S Biotics
